The 2024 Nebraska SAS® Users Group One-Day Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at the University of Nebraska Omaha’s Thompson Alumni Center at 68th and Dodge.
Click here for the full Conference Program
The Nebraska SAS® Users Group (NEBSUG) is a local group for users of SAS Software in Nebraska. The purpose of our group is to provide training and networking opportunities for local SAS® users. NEBSUG is part of the regional Midwest SAS® Users Group (MWSUG). Check out their website for information on conferences, including full proceedings and papers.
NEBSUG is an all-volunteer organization. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the contact form and let us know. Being a volunteer is a great way to network with other SAS® professionals.
The current co-chairs of the yearly conference will not be continuing their role. In order for meetings to happen in the future, we’ll need new co-chairs. If you are interested, let us know here: contact form.
If you have a need for a SAS® programmer/developer and would like us to post a position, please email us using the contact form.